Other Works



Dr. Skipi Lundquist Smoot, PhD is a professional clinician and public speaker. She has presented workshops and seminars on a regular basis for Career Ambitions Unlimited. Dr. Smoot’s connection to McDonald’s Corporation is a valuable one. Most major businesses in the US use strategies developed by McDonald’s Corporation. Her own Business expertise as a result of owning-operating franchises (3 McDonalds’s restaurants in Ca. and Va.) and her Doctoral Research in McDonald’s is a valuable plus.

Relationships among Business Managerial Performance, Gender, Personality Characteristics and the Perception of parental Sex Roles (California School of Professional Psychology – San Diego 1985)

Dr. Smoot is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist (Psychological Decisions) and Business Consultant (Career Ambitions Unlimited) with offices in Irvine, Ca. For 13 years she owned & operated 3 McDonald’s Restaurants in Ca. and Va. combining her Business & Scientific backgrounds, Dr. Smoot's Doctoral Research identified personality characteristics of successful McDonald's Business Managers.

As Director of CAU, Dr. Smoot presents Business Management Seminars “4” Personal & Vocational Success to companies searching for successful and reliable Management Training Techniques. CAU’s presentations draw upon the Model of Ego & Cognitive development underlying Maturation: The Adult Paradigm to assess Business Managerial strengths and weaknesses. Clients are instructed in methods for development of Self Knowledge, Vocational growth, Goal setting and Techniques for better understanding and attainment of more harmonious work & personal relationships with others. Among the Management Training Techniques presented “4” Better Relationships are strategies for Coping with Difficult People, making Successful Decisions, Effective Communication styles, Successful Assertion Skills, Effective Leadership Styles, Successful Problem Solving and methods for setting appropriate limits and techniques for Successful Conflict Resolution.

The MAP (Maturation: The Adult Paradigm) Workbook
The MAP Workbook has been developed for use by Readers of Maturation: The Adult Paradigm to help identify personal levels of Psychological Maturation. Questions in the The MAP Workbook are from The Test of Ego & Cognitive development (The TECD) and can be used by the Reader at the end of a Chapter or the conclusion of the Book.

TECD (Test of Ego and Cognitive Development)
The Test of Ego and Cognitive Development is a 369 Questionnaire that can be used to identify the levels of Psychological Maturation and Ego & Cognitive Development of the person taking the Test. The TECD is currently in the process of a Pilot Study with Alliant University in San Diego California. It can be used by both professional as well as readers of Maturation: The Adult Paradigm. It classifies specific areas of illogical thought and/or emotional blockages that contribute to Psychological Immaturity and personal and behavioral dysfunction. It is an invaluable assessment instrument for treatment planning, assessment of personal strengths and weaknesses, identification of levels of Ego & Cognitive development, and pinpointing the specific areas of illogical, unrealistic thought that contribute to ego dysfunction or lowered levels of Psychological Development.

Optimal Psychological Development and Human Maturation results in manifestation of Higher Order characteristics such as autonomy, responsibility, self discipline, competence, potency, self confidence, development of personal potential, successful communication and mature relationships. The purpose of the TECD is to identify levels of Psychological Maturation based on 1) 4 Tasks of Human Development and 2) Knowledge of the 5 Lessons of Life (Universal “processes” of Cause & Effect) that underlie Ego & Cognitive Development and Human Communication. The TECD Workbook can be used by the Reader at the end of a Chapter or the conclusion of the Book.


"The Murder of Blake – Will the REAL Bad Guys Please Stand Up" (In Progress)

"On the Couch” – A Collection of Vignettes Concerning Experiences shared by Clients in Psychotherapy (In Progress)